Make a Twist

Just³ (cube)

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Technical description:
Galvanized sheet metal cropped by lazer with CNC and bent.
Surface finish with termo-lacquer painting.
Overall dimensions:
Width - 332mm
Height - 332mm
Depth - 332mm
Estimated delivery:
3 to 5 days
The cubes are colored hollow volumes, built to fit in the box and slide the shelf. But due to its versatility, allow multiple placement possibilities and application, including other contexts.
Their different colors, faces and cuts were designed to allow diverse areas of visibility. Creating from prominent areas until completely closed areas.
The just³ is the simplest and without cutouts cube, ideal for coloring the inside of your niche shelf (creating highlighted area) or to fully close.

P. S.
Compatible with the Expedit® bookcases and Lack® shelves of Ikea® brand.
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